Here´s a simple overview of places to eat, to drink, to read, to break up with your partner, to google weird stuff you don´t want to look up at home, to relax and so on…                                                  (Disclaimer: I´m vegetarian so unfortunately, I can´t help you with the best Schnitzel in town)
If you’ll find a nice place for you I´m glad I could help. 

food and drinks

Nook Café | 1130

Café Adlerhof | 1070

Café Latte | 1070

Café Phil | 1060

Café Drechler | 1060

Erich | 1070

Burggasse 24 | 1070

Burgring 1 | 1010

La Mercerie | 1090

Superfood Deli | 1060

Crème de la Crème | 1090

Loving Hut | 1070

Swing Kitchen | 1070, 1090, 1040,…

Casino Wien | 1010

Motto am Fluss | 1010

Pizza Vero | 1090

Santos | 1070

Nguyen’s Pho House | 1080

Amerlingbeisl | 1070

Waldemars Tagesbar | 1130

Café Florentin | 1090

Volkskunde Museum Café | 1080

Liebling | 1070

Radio Label Bar | 1070

places to sit for free _______


Burggarten | 1010

Volksgarten | 1010

Kahlenberg | 1190

Schönbrunn Park | 1130

Türkenschanz Park | 1180

Liechtenstein Park | 1090

Stadtpark | 1010

(photo) spots

Ringstraße I 1010

Karlsplatz I 1040

Michealerplatz I 1010

Freyung I 1010

Maria-Theresien Platz I 1010